Monday, August 16, 2010

work, casa, earthquake

There was an earthquake! But no worries it was pretty far away and everyone here is a-okay
So today was my first day of work (kindof) after two weeks of in country orientation and two weeks of orientation in the states(thas right, an entire month) I will be working two jobs this year. First I have been selected to be the logistics coordinator for Rostro. This means that I am in charge of retreat groups that come down from the US. I get to do alot of driving down here which scares the crap out of me because nobody follows traffic laws. Aside from that, I am really excited to work with college and high school groups and to better learn how a non profit works. Also, I am co running an after school program called Semillas de Mostaza (Mustard Seeds). Here we do homework help, activities to supliment Ecuador´s crappy school system, play futbol, and more. We try to give the kids a safe place to play, learn, and just be for at least two hours every day.
Also, we got to go into our house. However, we cannot move in to it for probably another week because we decided that we wanted to paint most of the interior as it it pretty scratched up and peeling in most rooms. I wish I could just move in now! I´m tired of living in the retreat house. Our bedrooms are way bigger than I would ever need.


  1. I can't wait to hear more driving stories!

  2. Kippppp!!!

    This is so exciting, and I think a good fit for you. Plus, we all know that is the best after school program, gahhh, I want to come down and visit!! (so, you're the new Tom, minus Harvard... :P)

    whoop whoop, I will try and write more soon.

  3. SEMILLAS! same kiddos as 2 years ago? good luck with those drives. i'm excited you get to be logistics dude! you'll be so grood!
