Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dead Mouse Count: 20

Okay so it has been a while since ive written on this and i apologize. Life is busy here and when i actually do sit down to write here I can never think of what to write. Last week I got my parasite testing and cleaning. When i got my results from my test I had giardia, roundworm, and amoebas. Dont worry, I wasnt sick I just wanted to get myself cleaned out before this Thursday when I get the pleasure of having a visit from Allison. I do not want to be sick while I have a visitor at all.

On Friday we had Rostro´s employee christmas party which was tons of fun. Everyone was invited with their families. Each house had to put on a skit for entertainmen. When we were dancing at the end of the party it started to rain. I havn´t seen rain in months; so, naturally, I got everyone to go outside and dance in the rain for the rest of the night. It was tons of fun.

With that rain marks the beginning of the rainy season here. Starting today it has been warmer and more humid than ever before and I am told it won´t start to cool down until May. Also, with the first rain comes grillo season. A grillo is a bug that looks kindof like a cricket, except bigger. They are very stupid and very fragile creatures. When the first rain falls, all of the grillo eggs that are in the ground hatch at the same time. So they have come in swarms of thousands and reminds me of locusts except that these bugs are harmless and more just annoying than anything. I think that I am going to run away from them for the weekend and go to MontaƱita. :)