Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today had clam chowder in New England!

Sorry for not updating this in a while. Life have has been hectic. My week trip to Ecuador with Seattle U was amazing. It was great to see all of the friends that I had made last year and to meet new people. I went in with a lot of fears and anxiety, but they have been mostly put to rest. One evening in Duran, I was sitting outside with a few of the volunteers and they were just venting, complaining about everything. (I won't ge too specific) It put me at ease knowing that the volunteers were people and struggled through things like real people do. It can be easy to look up to them and all that they do and think that I could never amount to that. Also, seeing excitement on people's faces when they find out that i am coming back makes me feel very welcome and excited to come back
It has been very emotional to spend the last three weeks in Tacoma/Seattle, saying goodbye to everyone. Last week, I went to the Humane Society to get Allison a kitten. Her name is Nina and she is four months old. She is blonde and grey(her fur looks like a blonde cat got into a fireplace and covered with ash). She is supa cute and likes snuggling, exploring, and playing with empty boxes. I also got to go canoeing and hiking with Francisco, which was a great getaway for me. I said goodbye to almost everyone that I wanted to, but I will always wish that I had just a little more time.
Right now I am at Boston College for orientation. We are doing our orientation with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and there are lots of amazing people here. It is difficult to be present to everything here with my head still in Seattle. I have leave a place that is filled with with so much love and to step out into the unkown with people that I have never met.(except Shea!) I am out of time, but I will be back to write more soon.


  1. neens! i'm glad she made it in your post :)

  2. So I'm just wondering, since you don't have a phone, how do I send you a picture of a Mike's Deluxe just before I devour it? Or is that just too mean?

  3. I know exactly how you feel Kipp - a month and a half later and, still, so much of me is just feeling Seattle.
    Love you millions

  4. Come on Kipp...what cha been up to? Have you figured out any of your "chores" for your next year? Inquiring minds want to know!
